
Generative AI

New AI Risks

As companies rush to adopt language models and other generative AI systems,  they face growing challenges in risk and liability management. Some of the largest companies on the planet have turned to Luminos.Law to manage these risks.

Testing and Red Teaming

Testing and red teaming generative AI systems is one of the most important ways to manage risk and to ensure defensibility. We work hand in hand with our clients to develop custom testing plans—creating processes for generative AI that data scientists can actually implement and that lawyers can understand. We also occasionally red team high-risk generative AI systems directly, when needed.

Governance and Policies

Creating policies and procedures for generative AI that successfully scale is a growing challenge. We have helped clients of nearly every size and sector deploy generative AI by creating detailed governance policies that align to standards like NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework, relevant anti-discrimination, privacy and intellectual property laws, as well as evolving AI auditing requirements at the federal and state levels.

Generative AI Audits

Audits of generative AI systems are also a critical part of AI risk management - especially for foundational models or high-risk AI systems. Our generative AI audits:

  • Demonstrate best-in-class risk management practices for generative AI
  • Include toxicity, bias, truthfulness and performance testing
  • Address the use of any third parties in conjunction with AI systems
  • Ensure defensibility and increase customer trust
  • Prepare clients for growing legal scrutiny around generative AI systems

Reach out to us via to learn more about our generative AI services, or click the "Get Started" button below.

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“We bet big on generative AI. Without Luminos.Law, that bet would not have been successful.”
Fortune 500 Company
& Luminos.Law Client